today i was walkig to work listening to a podcast. i was streaming it over my 3g cellular data connection, and listening to it with bluetooth headphones. just radiating energy intot he world around me. bluetooth energy, soaking up the cellular energy. it's a really wasteful way of consuming, and increasingly i suppose it will be the norm. it's normal now to have a wifi network set up, spanning your entire apartment. my girlfriend's place has two routers, one on either side of the house. because the signal didn't quite reach the other side. they should have just put the router in the middle of the apartment :/. now wifi is pretty standard, but a relative waste of energy. and i know it's small compared to the general excess of data severs etc, also the masive energy use of tracking and etc. but i also feel like our "wireless waste" is really personal. all the buetooth energy, the sdtraming energy of me walking to work, ift feels like me, like an extension of me. it's my fault, it's our fault, and it's being normalized.i'm really just writing this bc i thought of wireless waste.